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Flowering Plants: How to Flood Your Garden with Colour

Do you want to add some vibrancy and life to your garden? Look no further! Adding flowering plants is a simple yet effective way to bring an array of colours and textures into outdoor spaces. Whether new to gardening or a pro, it can be overwhelming to decide which blooms will thrive in your climate.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why certain flowers flourish in various climates and give tips on how to get the most out of your floral display with creative ideas for planting combinations.

An Ode to the British Garden

The British garden has been a canvas of natural beauty filled with seemingly endless wonders for centuries. Skilfully manicured lawns and vibrant flowerbeds combine a stunning array of horticultural brilliance. From the charm of English roses to the lushness of a country cottage garden, these grounds offer solace in nature’s wonderland, where one can curl up on a patch of grass beneath your favourite tree and drink in nature’s finest offerings.

Every season brings its own beauty; as summer blossoms burst forth with glorious colours, autumn sees the abundant fruits ripen against the inky night sky, while winter allows us time for reflection amidst a serene blanket of snow. Whether sprawling country grounds or delicate urban patchwork quilts, perhaps the most remarkable thing about Britain’s gardens is that they have become havens for wildlife to thrive and reproduce – providing refuge from increasingly suburban sprawl and adding texture to our pastoral landscape. Truly, ’tis an ode to nature even visited by royalty!


Have you been dreaming of having a vibrant and colourful garden? Then why not look no further than the beautiful foxglove? This magnificent flower has spikes of tubular, bell-shaped blooms ranging from white to shades of pink and purple – sure to add character and life to any outdoor space. When planted in clumps for maximum impact, foxglove grows quickly, with some varieties reaching up to 150 centimetres in height.

Beginners looking for an easy-to-manage perennial flower will be pleased to learn that foxglove requires little maintenance and thrives in the shade, making it ideal for limited sunlight. So go ahead and transform your garden today – using the wonderful foxglove!

Sweet Pea

Gardening is a wonderful way to get outdoors and beautify your home. It’s even more enjoyable when you create a living floral painting with the strategic placement of blooms in vivid hues. Sweet pea plants come in an incredible array of colours, from pretty pastels to vibrant jewel tones, providing endless options for creating engaging colour combinations.

These sweet-smelling flowers look as good planted along fences and walls as hanging gracefully from pergolas and trellises. You can have dazzling pops of colour all season long by planting different varieties at intervals throughout the summer months. So why not try adding sweet peas to your garden this year?


If you’re looking for a showstopper plant to transform your garden this season, look no further than delphiniums. Native to Europe and Asia, these tall and eye-catching perennials come in a rainbow of bright colours that will bring your garden alive. With two main flowering cycles–spring and summer–delphiniums can keep the colour alive through months of luscious blooms. Their majestic nature makes them the perfect addition to any garden, adding height and texture with their decorated spikes.

Plus, they are easy to maintain! Depending on your climate, delphiniums need full sun exposure and adequate watering–don’t forget to fertilize occasionally! You can enjoy stunning blooms all season long with a few simple steps.


If you want to add an element of colour and jazz to your garden, why not try planting lupin? Lupin is highly attractive and is a great way to decorate the lawn. It’s easy to grow, thrives in full sunlight and will easily satisfy gardeners looking for something different! Whether planted alone or mixed with other flowers, lupin will give your outside space some visual appeal. It also attracts bees and butterflies, which will be a bonus if you’re looking to bolster biodiversity in your outdoor area. Give lupin a try this season – it’ll surely bring your garden alive in no time.


The stunningly beautiful Aquilegia is an excellent way to bring gorgeous colour and texture to your garden. Whether planted along a border, in groups at the front of a bed, or in tubs and pots on a patio, their bright, vibrant petals will instantly draw attention. From shades of blue and pink to white and purple varieties, there’s sure to be one that captures everyone’s hearts. These hardy plants are easy to grow and can even do well in shaded areas – perfect for those where nothing else seems to thrive. So why not try planting Aquilegia and enjoy a garden full of splendour?


Adding poppies to your garden can instantly transform your outdoor space and add an injection of colour. Poppies come in various spectacular hues, ranging from bright reds and pinks to vibrant oranges and yellows – meaning they’re sure to match whatever look you’re going for in your garden. They also don’t require much maintenance or attention, so you can add them to your garden without spending hours tending to them. Many poppies tend to self-seed, effectively flooding the area with beautiful colours year after year – so planting some now could provide years of delightful colour in your garden!


Lychnis, also known as the ‘campion’ or ‘catchfly’ plant, is arguably the most visually stunning choice for gardeners searching for vibrant colour. The dazzling array of shades amongst its blooms includes pinks, purples and whites that can bring a splash of natural beauty across any flower bed. Boasting no shortage of petals per bloom, these flowers look amazingly clustered together in large numbers.

Unlike many other temperamental plants, lychnis can survive relatively low watering and loves the sunshine! If you’d like to give your garden a colourful makeover this summer, lychnis is worth considering – it is an eye-catching addition to any outdoor space.

Fox and Cubs

If you’re looking for a way to add vibrance and interest to your garden, look no further than fox and cubs. This small perennial wildflower is often used as a ground cover due to its spreading habit and dense foliage. They come in various colours, from warm tones such as yellows, oranges, and creams to cool colours like pink and blues.

As they are tolerant of drought conditions and easily grown from seed, they can provide a long-lasting burst of colour in any sunny location. Not only that, but their intense nectar draws in butterflies and other beneficial insects that contribute to the ecosystem as a whole. With fox and cubs, your garden will be a sight not soon forgotten!


Campanula is a flower popular among gardeners because of its abundance of colour, versatility and easy-to-care-for nature. With nearly 300 species of campanula, your garden can easily be transformed into a work of art with these attractive blooms. Campanula comes in numerous shades, including white, blue, pink, purple and yellow. Planting clusters of campanulas in the spring or early summer will bring various colours to your outdoor space throughout the entire season.

Not only are they pleasing to the eye, but they also provide stunning cut flowers due to their long stems. The best part about campanulas is that they require minimal care – regular watering without too much sunlight will keep them looking fresh. Give campanula a try this season to add a splash of colour to your garden!


There’s nothing quite so satisfying as seeing a garden bursting with colour. Consider primrose if you’re looking for the perfect flower to brighten up your yard. These cheerful perennials come in an array of magnificent colours, including red, yellow, blue, white and purple. Primrose can fill any corner or edge of your space and provides ground cover in areas where other plants may not thrive. They are relatively low-maintenance and incredibly hardy – perfect for beginner gardeners! Adding primrose to your landscape will surely add a flash of vibrancy that will last season after season.


Lavender is a stunning addition to any garden, providing a sense of tranquillity and a rich wash of purples and blues. Whether you choose English lavender, spike lavender or Portuguese lavender, each variety will bring a unique beauty to your space. In its blooming season, this plant will be an attractive focal point, attracting beneficial pollinators like bees and butterflies while adding stunning visual appeal. Plant it in the sunny areas of your garden and watch as the fragrant, waxy blooms overtake the area with their vibrant colour and perfume. Try lavender today in your garden—you won’t regret it!

How to Create a Luxury Look in Your Garden

Creating a luxe look in your garden doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. By incorporating the right combination of plants and features, such as statues, water features, or ornamental trees, you can easily create an elegant atmosphere that will last all year round.

Start by selecting a few key flowering plants to add vibrant colour, such as primrose, lavender and campanula. These plants are perfect for creating a colourful backdrop, while still fitting into any budget. Once you have your flowers in place, add some evergreen shrubs to the mix for year-round interest. Flowering trees like cherry blossoms or magnolias will provide added height and instant glamour. If space allows, consider adding a water feature — an artificial pond or fountain can add instant luxury without breaking the bank. Finally, dress up your garden with accents like decorative stones, pebbles and statues for extra visual interest.

If you’re looking for lighting ideas for your small garden, consider installing string lights or LED lights to create a cozy and warm atmosphere. These types of lights can be easily strung up around your garden and will help you to enjoy your outdoor space even after the sun goes down. You can also try adding solar-powered lights for a more eco-friendly option. With the right lighting, you can enjoy your garden any time of the day or night.

Hot Tubs

For the pinnacle of home comfort, a hot tub is the perfect addition to any outdoor space. Hot tubs provide a luxurious and relaxing atmosphere, as well as relief from sore muscles or joint pain. Whether you prefer an above-ground hot tub or an inground option, there are plenty of sizes and styles to choose from. Plus, with features like built-in lights, temperature control and high-end music systems, you can customise your spa experience from start to finish.

Celtic Spas are one of the UK’s leading brands of spas, hot tubs, saunas and swim spas. You can view their full range of hot tubs by going direct to the Celtic Spas site.


Which flowering plants are the easiest to maintain?

Flowering plants can bring a burst of colour and life to any room! If you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to brighten up your home, consider growing some of the easiest flowering plants. African violets, begonias, petunias and chrysanthemums are all beautiful choices that won’t require too much effort. African violets, in particular, need to be kept damp at all times but require very little in terms of pruning and trimming.

Begonia soil should dry out between waterings and prefer bright indirect sunlight. Petunias come in wide varieties and will thrive with medium light levels as long as their soil is moist. Lastly, chrysanthemums are cheerful flowers that bloom continuously through autumn if given plenty of moisture and light – both direct sunlight and fluorescent lights will work well for them. With these easy-to-maintain flowering plants, you can add a vibrant touch to your home decoration with minimal effort!

What plants flower the longest?

Plants that flower the longest come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colours. For example, Snapdragon flowers bloom from early summer to early fall, and their vibrant colours are sure to light up any garden. Meanwhile, Hydrangea creates large curtain-like clusters of small buds that last for weeks on end.

If you’re looking for something less colourful, European Lupines can be counted on to stay in bloom for multiple months. Perennials such as Baptisia australis and Allium have blossoms lasting up to 8 weeks each summer season. Regardless of your preference and situation, there is certainly a plant that will fulfil your needs while offering stunning beauty throughout the season.

Which plants are the best for pollinators?

To attract pollinators, the ideal plants to choose for your garden include a variety of species that bloom during different times of the year. This way, you will provide blooms from early spring until late summer to help support pollinating insects such as honeybees, butterflies, and bumblebees. Some excellent options include flowering trees like cherries and crab apples, wildflowers like butterfly weed and aster, shrubs like blueberry and elderberry shrubs, and perennials like coneflowers or blazing stars.

Additionally, you should consider what kind of grass and turf you put in your garden since many types can harm these beneficial bugs. A diverse selection of plants helpful for pollinator health is an easy yet effective way to bring more beauty into your outdoor space while also helping our environment thrive.


Now that you know how to flood your garden with colour using flowering plants, get out there and start planting! You’ll be amazed at the transformation a few flowers can make. And if you need help picking the right plants for your garden, we’re always here to lend a hand. So what are you waiting for? Get planting!

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